Over the years, Hannon Construction has developed a proven process to be client friendly and one that puts our clients at ease throughout the building of their project. Our process is one that is customer friendly and easy to follow.
We offer guidance on lot selections, plan design and development, pre-construction planning, contract and permitting, construction process / product and design selections and close out and warranty. At the end of the day those who have followed our process have ultimately had a stress free building process while building a home we are all proud of.
Lot selection can be tough…there are certain criteria that one needs to look out for when selecting a lot to build one – we are prepared to walk you through this process if needed. We can meet at the site to determine house placement, clearing limits, slope issues, utility locations and connections, soils and construction type along with many other variables that may need to be considered.
Plan design is another area we can assist you with. Our relationships with local architects and draftsmen are very strong and respected throughout our marketplace. We can assist a meet with you and your architect to help you reach your plan design goals.
Pre-construction planning is very important, this is an area that demands time and respect to determine the correct products to meet your design and budget needs. Our level of detail is second to none and one we take pride in.
Contract and permitting gets the project started – we are very versed in this area and have worked with many banks, closing agents and local municipalities – so put our experience to work for you and let us handle these needs for your project.
The actual Construction process and Design / product selection is where the rubber hits the road and it all starts to come together with the home being constructed. We will guide you through this process and make sure you are aware of the timeliness for selections to keep the project schedule flowing. We also offer in house design consultations with a local design professional to help you with colors and other design needs you may have. Weekly meetings and key walk thrus are a must when building with Hannon Construction. We want you to be a part of the building process and feel a part of the team.
Close out and Warranty is a big part of our process and one we are proud of. Making sure all finishes are up to your satisfaction is not taken lightly – over the years we have developed an eye for quality and pride ourselves in standing behind our finished products. Our professional team of trades are some of the proudest relationships we have. You will enjoy our team and how all of us stand behind the products we develop and build.
Overall our process is one that has proven year after year to be a positive part of our company – we strive to make your building experience a positive fun one to be proud of.
Give us a try!
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